
Who must file tax forms?

Even if you did not earn any income, if you were physically in the US on F or J status anytime in a calendar year (between 1 January – 31 December), you're obligated to file a Form 8843 with the IRS if you are a tax non-resident (the Internal Revenue Service, or ‘IRS’, are the US tax authorities).Tax residency is complicated, so students are invited to attend a tax workshop as well as seek help from our Non-Resident VITA sites in the month of March and April each year.

Meanwhile, if you earned more than $0 of taxable US source income, you also will likely need to file a federal tax return with the IRS. Depending on your individual circumstances, you may also need to file a state tax return.


Tax Filing Deadline

The US income tax filing deadline is on or around April 15th each year for the prior tax year..