Orientation Dates & Requirements

Undergraduate Degree Students

The date you arrive is CRITICAL for a smooth transition to student life!

If you are outside the U.S., you are not allowed to arrive more than 30 days before the start date listed on your I-20/DS-2019 form.

Undergraduate Dates:

Undergraduate students have BOTH UNM and GEO Orientation requirements.  Register for Virtual UNM New Student Orientation (NSO) as soon as possible to get the best choice of classes!

May 23 and July 11

Attend both Undergraduate GEO Pre-Arrival Orientations from 8:00 am to 10:00 am Albuquerque time (UTC-6h) on Zoom (check your email for the link and passcode).  

Between August 1 - 13

Arrive in Albuquerque to attend mandatory GEO check-in before in-person international orientation. Check ins will start promptly at 9:30 am each weekday.  Sign up in the GEO office when you arrive for the next available session. See Arrival Information section for airport pick-up and short-term homestay options. If you are living on-campus, you cannot move in to campus early.  Make preparation for temporary housing before you move into UNM Housing.

August 14

Attend GEO International Student Orientation(Mandatory), 8:00 - 3:00 pm, Centennial Engineering Auditorium (Room 1041)

August 14-17

Finalize class schedule, explore campus, attend new student events.


August 18

Begin classes

You must plan to arrive in Albuquerque by BEFORE January 15th. If you will not arrive before January 15th, you MUST contact iadvisor@unm.edu for special late arrival approval in advance.

Graduate Degree Students

The date you arrive is CRITICAL for a smooth transition to student life!

If you are outside the U.S., you are not allowed to arrive more than 30 days before the start date listed on your I-20/DS-2019 form.

Graduate Dates:

May 23 and July 11

Attend Graduate GEO Pre-Arrival Orientation from 8:00 am to 10:00 am Albuquerque time (UTC-6h) on Zoom (check your email for the link and passcode).  

Between August 1 - 7

Arrive in Albuquerque to attend mandatory GEO check-in before in-person international orientation. Check ins will start promptly at 9:30 am each weekday.  Sign up in the GEO office when you arrive for the next available session. See Arrival Information section for airport pick-up and short-term homestay options. If you are living on-campus, you cannot move in to campus early.  Make preparation for temporary housing before you move into UNM Housing.

August 8

Attend GEO International Student Orientation(Mandatory), 8:00 - 3:00 pm, Centennial Engineering Auditorium (Room 1041)

August 9 - 17

Finalize class schedule, explore campus, attend new student events.


August 18

Begin classes

You must plan to arrive in Albuquerque by BEFORE January 15th. If you will not arrive before January 15th, you MUST contact iadvisor@unm.edu for special late arrival approval in advance.


Exchange and Guest Students

Who is an Exchange or Guest Student?

You are an "exchange" or a "guest" student if you come to UNM from one of our partner universities or agencies through your home university's international office. If you are coming at this time to get your degree at UNM, you are not an exchange student, you are a "degree-seeking" student. Degree-seeking students need to apply to UNM through the regular admission application.

The date you arrive is CRITICAL for a smooth transition to student life!

If you are outside the U.S., you are not allowed to arrive more than 30 days before the start date listed on your DS-2019 form.

Exchange/Guest Student Dates:

May 23 and July 11 

Attend Exchange Student GEO Pre-Arrival Orientation from 8:00 am to 10:00 am Albuquerque time (UTC-6h) on Zoom (check your email for the link and passcode).  

Between August 1 - 13

Arrive in Albuquerque to attend mandatory GEO check-in before in-person international orientation. Check ins will start promptly at 9:30 am each weekday.  Sign up in the GEO office when you arrive for the next available session. See Arrival Information section for airport pick-up and short-term homestay options. If you are living on-campus, you cannot move in to campus early.  Make preparation for temporary housing before you move in to UNM housing.

August 14

Attend GEO International Student Orientation(Mandatory), 8:00 - 3:00 pm, Centennial Engineering Auditorium (Room 1041)

August 14 - 17

Finalize class schedule, explore campus, attend new student events.


August 18

Begin classes

You must plan to arrive in Albuquerque by BEFORE January 15th. If you will not arrive before January 15th, you MUST contact iadvisor@unm.edu for special late arrival approval in advance.